Supporting Manager Efforts

Galaxy Plus For Asset Managers

The Galaxy Plus and Galaxy Plus Hedge Managed Account Platforms connect asset managers and investors through a low-cost fee structure and provide expertise in the alternative asset industry. The platform leverages the Delaware series limited liability company and Cayman segregated portfolio company structures to establish a platform structure comprised of separate segregated Delaware LLCs or Cayman SPCs, establishing an investment platform with no cross-contamination of assets or liabilities across funds, managers, or strategies. As an independent platform, Galaxy has relationships with many FCMs, PBs, banks, and custodians, but is not tied to one specific affiliation, which drastically reduces the potential for conflicts of interest.

The Galaxy Platforms have strategic relationships with industry experts across legal, audit, administration, and more, allowing managers to devote more focus to research and trading. Additionally, Galaxy maintains active sales-oriented relationships focused on distributing the strategies on the platforms. Managers on the Galaxy Platforms are promoted through spotlights, investor updates, and social media connections.
Asset Managers are invited to contact our team with any questions or further discussion about the platforms.

Process of Launching a Fund


A single, operationally efficient infrastructure that provides near real-time data, frequency of liquidity and notional funding capabilities and risk management

1. Sign Onboarding Agreement
2. Operational and Investment Due Diligence on Advisor
3. Create the Entity (Legal Setup)
4. Execute the Investment Management Agreement



5. Complete the FCM/PB application
6. Setup Bank Accounts for Master/Feeder Structure
7. Introduce Strategy to GalaxyPlus’ 3rd Party Administrator for Reporting
8. Fund the Account and Begin Trading

Contact Us

Connect with a member of our team by sharing your information and inquiry.
330 S Naperville Rd, Suite 206, Wheaton, IL 60187
+1 (630) 593 3613

This website contains information about managed futures as well as other alternative investment products and has been designed to provide an overview of the various strategies available on the Platform. Users who access information on this site agree that they have experience with futures markets, and other alternative investment products and are knowledgeable about the risks associated with those products.

New Hyde Park Alternative Funds, LLC, is the sponsor of the Galaxy Plus Fund, LLC; Galaxy Plus Hedge Fund, LLC; and GP Digital Assets Trust. Through the associated Platforms, New Hyde Park Alternative Funds, LLC provides access to products available to investors who meet the suitability requirements.

An investment into any fund or product is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. The past performance results of any fund, product, or its trading advisor are not indicative of how they will perform in future.
