
Meet Our Managers

Galaxy’s menu of managers offers a variety of investment strategies available to help diversify an investor’s portfolio. Our list of managers contains single-manager funds and multi-manager funds, which are pooled fund vehicles that invest in multiple managers. Galaxy performs initial and ongoing due diligence on every manager which is focused on regulatory, operations, and investment strategies. The due diligence process does not stop once a fund is launched on the platform. We continue to monitor all our managers to ensure that they stay within the established parameters of their investment strategy. Managers listed on the Galaxy website and included in our offering materials are funded and active on our platform.


COMMONWEALTH BANK & TRUST - Commonwealth Structured Alpha

Commonwealth Structured Alpha

Commonwealth Structured Alpha is a systematic multi-manager portfolio comprised of global macro and managed futures managers. The portfolio seeks to provide investors with access to these managers at a lower cost and higher efficiency than traditional fund-of-funds. Commonwealth leverages the expertise of their team and Director of Alternative Investments, who has been allocating in this space for over a decade.

FIDES RATIO - Fides AM Commodity Program

Fides AM Commodity Program

The Fides AM Commodity Program is a multi-manager portfolio seeking diversified exposure to the commodities sector through a combination of strategies in futures, options, and commodity-oriented equities. The program sets out to avoid allocation targets and concentrated sector exposure by diversifying across trading styles, timeframes, and strategies.



Arrow Investment Advisor utilizes quantitative research from Arrow Insights, which has been developing adaptive investment strategies for 20+ years. Arrow’s Tactical Bitcoin methodology captures the Bitcoin market’s uptrends while incorporating tactical exposure to gold and cash to minimize the downside risk of a standalone Bitcoin investment. The investment strategy shifts among the three components to maintain their target volatility, while producing a low correlation to traditional assets.


The Systematic Alpha Program uses proprietary machine learning models that are trained using 30 years of data from over 70 futures, yielding generalized and robust models. Diversification is ensured by trading contracts in various exchanges (in the U.S., Europe, and Asia), by trading various market sectors (Equity Indices, Fixed Income, Currencies, Energies, Metals, Grains, Soft Commodities), and by having strategies that trade in different frequencies (intraday to holding for several days) and also utilize different methods (momentum, mean reversion etc.) Risk is managed by VaR caps, position caps, volatility-based position sizing and other novel techniques. All trading decisions are conducted systematically and algorithmically. However, under certain circumstances, discretion for risk management purposes might be used. The objective of the program is to generate positive returns uncorrelated to traditional and alternative investments.

ASPECT CAPITAL LIMITED - Aspect Core Diversified Program

The Aspect Core Diversified Program (Core Diversified or the Program) applies a proprietary and systematic quantitative investment approach that seeks to identify and profit from trends in both rising and falling markets by taking either a long or short position in each given market. This objective is achieved through the use of medium-term trend following strategies, which are deployed in 69 highly liquid global financial and commodity futures markets. These markets are categorized into four separate asset classes: commodities, currencies, fixed income and stock indices. The Program aims to deliver pure momentum-based returns with a target annualized volatility level of 10%. By maintaining comparatively small exposure to any individual market and maintaining positions in a variety of markets, Aspect aims to achieve long-term diversification within the Program.

BUTTONWOOD, LLC - Energy Diversified 1

Buttonwood is a Texas-based trading manager focused on the energy markets. Buttonwood’s Energy Diversified 1 (ED1) program, available on the Galaxy Plus platform, is a discretionary program that uses spread arbitrage and directional trading strategies. Buttonwood’s experienced team of analysts provide the research and analysis necessary to generate trade signals to inform and deploy their ED1 strategy.

CANE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC - Cane-Kensington Opportunity Fund

Cane Alternative Strategies Fund (the “Fund”) seeks capital appreciation through making long and short investments in fixed income, currency, equity and commodity markets primarily in a portfolio of equities and futures contracts and futures-related instruments, swaps and options. The Fund’s adviser, Cane Capital Management, LLC (the “Adviser”), utilizes a proprietary quantitative model, deriving inputs from financial data, to identify securities exhibiting particular traits that indicate the potential for outperformance. The Adviser is not limited by industry or sector, but does limit its selection to the top 1,000 U.S. companies as defined by market capitalization. The Adviser’s process uses a combination of economic analysis and quantitative market dynamics to determine investment strategies, which are implemented through (i) long positions in equities or (ii) taking long or short positions in the other types of securities described above. The Adviser’s risk management approach uses statistical processes in seeking to truncate downside risk.

CONQUEST CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC - Conquest Quantitative Macro

Conquest Capital, headquartered in New York City, has a 25+ year operating history led by the same investment team since inception. Conquest Quantitative Macro is a systematic absolute return strategy designed as an “all-weather” offering, which contains 4 sub-strategies and over 100 unique quantitative trading models. With the Conquest Risk Aversion Index, the program offers diversification across 30 liquid global futures markets with no correlation to other CTAs, traditional portfolios, and hedge funds.

CORECOMMODITY MANAGEMENT, LLC - Founders Absolute Return ("FAR")

Founders Absolute Return (FAR) seeks to provide favorable returns that are expected to be uncorrelated to traditional equity, fixed income and commodity indexes. FAR targets consistent returns from a liquid, diversified portfolio holding exposure across commodity sectors including energy, agriculture, industrial and precious metals markets as well as diverse positions within natural resource equities.


DCM Systematic has designed the Diversified Alpha Program to try to generate absolute returns through different market regimes which are uncorrelated to traditional markets and other alternative strategies. DCM Systematic Diversified Alpha Program utilizes a multi-model approach that aims to capture trading opportunities across three different quantitative model styles, categorized as behavioral, relative value and macro; the strategy is further diversified through a wide spectrum of different time horizons. The behavioral models seek to anticipate the flows of large market participants to take advantage of their market impact; the relative value models aim to seize opportunities that arise from different kinds of spreads while putting a strong emphasis on tail-risk protection; finally, the macro strategies use a broad range of statistical models derived from economic and technical principles. The Diversified Alpha Program trades a range of liquid, exchange traded futures across global developed markets with a focus on equities, commodities, FX and fixed income.

DORMOUSE LIMITED - Diversified Trading Program

Dormouse has developed a statistical arbitrage investment strategy based on scientific predictive modelling that uses proprietary and confidential investment methodology, so the description below of the Fund’s investment strategy is high level and does not address specifics of trading or investment decisions.


Eckhardt Trading Company recently celebrated their 30th year in 2021. Eckhardt’s trading experience is backed by over 40 years of scientific system development and evolutionary computing. The Firm manages a diversified portfolio of global exchange-traded financial and commodity futures over multiple time frames, while the strategy produces a low correlation to equity markets. ETC uses a differentiated approach to systematic trading with Short-term Volatility Trend, Pattern Recognition, Risk-off Alpha and Sentiment systems. Combined with unique volatility-based signal generation and a risk-first approach to trade implementation, ETC produces a distinctive return profile that will diversify a portfolio of traditional assets as well as deliver through dislocations.

ENDURA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC - Metalex African Opportunities Strategy

Endura Capital Management and Metalex Commodities, Inc. have partnered to create a mission-driven alternative fixed income product. The Endura Metalex African Opportunities Fund, available on the Galaxy Plus Hedge platform, is a trade finance fund providing liquidity to Metalex, a US-based mining and processing business focused on operating underfunded African ore mines to ensure security of ore supply, appropriate processing of the ore supply, and marketing of the concentrates derived from the ore processing. The fund seeks to finance the procurement, transportation, and sale of metal ore products to global buyers.

FALVEY CAPITAL, LLC - Short-Term Private Credit

Falvey Capital is a private credit fund investing in short-term, supply chain finance receivables. Paul Falvey is a career bank CEO, who has spent his career focused on the effective negotiation and structuring of complex private credit transactions. The fund concentrates on capital preservation, offers quarterly liquidity, and seeks a low correlation with bonds and equities. The private credit asset class has grown significantly over the past decade as traditional banking institutions scale back their capital-intensive lending businesses. Consequently, small and middle market companies are increasingly looking for capital from non-bank lenders. Falvey Capital has structured a unique investment opportunity in the private credit space focused on providing supply chain financing solutions to these small and middle market privately held U.S. companies.

FORT GLOBAL LLC - FORT Global Contrarian Program

Fort’s Global Contrarian trading program is based on two main beliefs: (1) returns can be extracted from trends in the price movements of futures contracts; and (2) market prices are the key aggregator of information pertinent to making investment decisions. The Trading Adviser’s ongoing research seeks to develop and implement adaptive, quantitative trading systems that select a mix of technical indicators in each market and use them to dynamically determine portfolio allocations, thereby allocating risk to markets according to a forecast of risk‐adjusted profitability.


Horizon3 is a London-based firm that manages a highly diversified global macro CTA strategy. Each member of the management team has 20+ years of CTA industry experience. Using proprietary macroeconomic research and technical analysis, the Horizon3 CTA Program employs a hybrid approach combining a core systematic strategy with a discretionary macro-overlay to trade FX and futures.

MILLBURN RIDGEFIELD CORPORATION - Resource Opportunities Program (“ResOP”)

The ResOP program utilizes Millburn’s proprietary systematic, machine-learning technology, built on 50+ years of experience in commodity trading. The strategy implements a diversified approach with more than 100 instruments in commodities and commodity-related markets and positions both long and short, providing opportunities in both rising and falling markets. ResOP seeks positive returns in a variety of market environments while producing uncorrelated returns compared to traditional and non-traditional investments.

NWONE LLC - NWOne Diversified Strategy

NWOne is a New York-based CTA that is led by a portfolio manager with 15+ years of experience in systematic trading. The Diversified Strategy consists of three independent strategies: directional futures, calendar spread futures, and intraday futures. NWOne’s proprietary strategies are embedded with strict risk management protocols and go through scenario analysis in order to provide downside protection, while looking for opportunities in the commodities markets.

PGIM WADHWANI LLP -Dynamic Commodity Overlay

The Dynamic Commodity strategy combines trend-following strategies with a number of “non-trend” investment styles that have both strong theoretical and empirical support. These styles include macro, value, carry, sentiment and intermarket linkages. This approach to harvesting risk premia recognizes the importance of tilting and timing of harvesting risk premia. Thus, rather than deploy these investment styles in isolation (i.e., in separate sleeves), the strategy seeks to harness them together – that is, integrating different styles in a non-linear fashion, and using dynamic selection of strategies algorithms to time-vary our exposure to individual risk premia, with exposures depending upon recent performance, crowding, economic cycles, etc. The strategy also relies upon leading edge portfolio construction techniques – specifically a Bayesian approach which deploys mean-variance-skewness optimization – to focus on drawdown avoidance and minimization. The Dynamic Commodity strategy seeks to outperform the Bloomberg Commodity Index over a market cycle.


The PlusPlus strategy currently employs several quantities short-term momentum and contrarian trading models that generate long and short signals in over 60 different futures contracts. The average holding period for a trade is 4.5 days. Underlying this strategy is the philosophy that markets are predictable in the short-term due to the behavioral biases of investors, which are persistent and have not changed over time.

PRINCIPALIUM CAPITAL AG - Principalium Defensive Global Alpha Strategy (“PDGAS”)

The investment objective of the Principalium Defensive Volatility Strategy is to provide attractive risk-adjusted absolute returns across a wide range of market conditions with a long volatility bias by design.

The all-systematic, algorithmic trading strategy seeks to dynamically capture the following distinct return streams by trading volatility and underlying stock indices: (1) shorter term spikes in volatility and longer-term market corrections (2) the Volatility Risk Premia (VRP) present in the VIX futures curve during contango ,and (3) reversal and mean reversion patterns in different volatility markets (4)tactical trading during back-and-forth environments . It implements its investment decisions primarily by trading futures on volatility indices (like VIX, VSTOXX), and stock indices (like S&P 500, EURO STOXX 50).
The strategy has been designed to provide positive performance during shorter term market corrections to more pronounced tail-like events. Risk across all trading algorithms sets is continuously monitored with stop-losses based on Maximum Adverse Excursion factors, while continuously monitoring conditional value-at-risk and margin utilization.


The ProfitScore investment objective of the Long/Short US Treasury Program(the “Program”) is to seek to provide absolute returns. Assets invested in the short-term systematic Program should benefit from transparency, high liquidity, low degree of volatility and a positive response to rising or falling interest rates. To achieve its investment objective, the Program will invest either long or short in liquid and transparent US Treasury fixed income futures contracts. The Program employs multiple uncorrelated predictive models that cumulatively forecast US Treasury Bond returns. The Program expects the notional value of the futures contracts to equal between 0% and 125% of the Fund’s total net asset value; however, these percentages may vary over time as a result of market conditions and fluctuations and the Trading Advisor’s periodic determinations of current market volatility.

QUANTICA CAPITAL AG - Managed Futures Program

The Quantica investment philosophy centers around the belief that quality risk adjusted returns can be systematically exploited from liquid markets by analyzing risk adjusted outperformance of one market versus other markets in the investment universe. The program is designed to identify and exploit inefficiencies in relative, risk-adjusted price movements across major asset classes by detecting global capital flows. Risk and price movements are statistically analyzed in order to determine if a market should be over- or underweighted versus a neutral portfolio. The program uses daily risk adjusted returns as sole data input and operates in real time. Overall exposure is self-regulated according to proprietary predefined risk parameters. When the program detects higher inefficiencies in markets it will adjust the exposure higher vs. a neutral portfolio, and vice-versa.


QIM’s Global Program is a proprietary trading system that uses quantitative behavioral pattern recognition to trade across a universe of exchange-traded commodity futures contracts. QIM believes that financial markets are not entirely efficient and that numerous inefficiencies exist that QIM believes can be exploited through the prudent use of robust quantitative analysis and predictive technologies. QIM has developed proprietary algorithms for predicting short, medium, and long-term price movements for a wide variety of markets. QIM currently employs numerous quantitative trading models that utilize pattern recognition to predict the global equity and futures markets.

QUEST PARTNERS LLC - Quest Tracker Index

The Quest Fixed Income Hedge Program (“QFIT”) is a quantitative trading program designed to hedge exposure to the U.S. 10-year Treasury (i.e., provide protection during periods of rising interest rates). QFIT uses a combination of moving average crossover and other models to generate signals for each market. By combining signals generated over multiple timeframes, QFIT seeks to capture short-, medium- and long-term trends in various markets.

The Quest Tracker Index (the “QTI” or the “Index”) seeks to track generally the performance generated by the broad class of managed futures trading strategies of trend-following commodity trading advisers (“CTAs”), and to match or exceed the performance of widely-followed CTA indexes on a risk-adjusted basis.1 The Index comprises sixty-six specified futures contracts in markets for currencies, fixed-income, equity indices and commodities (each such futures contract, an “Index Component,” and together, the “Index Components”). Details of the current Index Components are available upon request. Quest, with the approval of the Index Committee (defined below), may adjust the composition of the Index on a quarterly basis to account for market developments.


Rcube Asset Management, NFA member and AMF regulated asset manager, launched the Swarm Trading Program in 2022. Rcube’s Swarm Trading Program, available on the Galaxy Plus platform, is a systematic futures strategy inspired by the behavior and decision-making approach of insect colonies (biomimicry). The program is composed of 16 individual agents, and through cross-market connections, generates over 65,000 synthetic data points per day for the program to draw from, yielding a systematic trading program built on decentralized trading decisions.


The investment objective of the ROW Diversified EXT Program is to seek to generate consistent long-term appreciation through active notionally funded investing in global futures and futures options markets. EXT, or “Exchange Traded”, is a variant of the ROW Diversified Program that accesses currency markets via futures, not OTC forwards. We utilize a quantitative approach to forecasting, portfolio construction, and risk management. The program invests in currency, interest rate, energy, agriculture, and equity index futures, and futures options. ROW achieves style diversification by using a combination of Carry, Trend, Fair Value, Pattern Recognition, Volatility, Sentiment, and Mean Reversion models.


The Trajectoire Black Tail Strategy offers investors an attractive risk return profile through their performance in volatile and dislocated markets and fair performance in stable markets. The fund sets out to take advantage of inefficiencies found in the options market, which has become increasingly more volatile. Trajectoire balances a tail hedging strategy with arbitrage strategies to take advantage of these market inefficiencies and provide investors with a favorable return profile. The fund’s founder, Arie Assayag, put together a team focused on experience and expertise in volatility investing and the options trading market. While the fund uses a systematic model as a road map, the team employs a discretionary approach to trades, as they believe their experience and expertise is a necessity in options and volatility trading. Trajectoire’s performance record is evident through their returns in a three-year span over a full market cycle—2019’s low volatility, 2020’s market crisis, and 2021’s volatility consolidation.

Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors can lose all or some of their investments.


The Strategy is dedicated to capturing opportunities in metals markets via relative-value, directional and volatility trades. The Strategy utilizes rigorous fundamental analysis to identify economic disconnects with quantitative analysis to enhance trade construction and timing. Trades may be derived from the frequent dislocations inherent within the metals sector to broad, multi-year themes, such as the step change in metals consumption currently being brought on by the “Third Industrial Revolution”, which includes the transition to net zero carbon energy. Portfolio construction is a function of both conviction and a quantitative assessment of the trading environment. The portfolio can be delta neutral or directional while seeking to capture the inherent alpha in the metals space and minimizing the portfolio’s correlations with all major asset classes.

VOLT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT A.B. - Diversified Alpha Program

The Volt Diversified Alpha Program (the Program is a diversified, systematic trading program that applies machine learning to financial markets with the aim to deliver capital appreciation in all market conditions. The Program is fundamental in nature, primarily seeking to capture price moves that are motivated by a change in underlying economic factors, but it also uses technical information for risk management, trade timing and execution decisions. The Program trades a diversified portfolio of liquid futures contracts, covering the main global financial and commodity markets. Trading signals span a variety of horizons from monthly to intraday. Intraday or daily signals are used primarily to aid execution and risk management while signals with a weekly or longer horizon are used to establish core positions. The Program targets a 10% annualized volatility. Position risk is managed on an intraday basis, maintaining strict limits on exposure and Value-at-Risk (VaR). Execution is fully automated using direct market access (DMA). Thanks to the use of machine learning and fundamental input data, the Program is expected to have a low correlation to traditional assets as well as systematic trading benchmarks.

WATTS GWILLIAM & COMPANY, LLC - OPTIC (Covered Call Option Overlay)

Watts Gwilliam is an SEC-registered Investment Advisor and fiduciary financial advisor with over 20 years of experience managing option overlay strategies. The fund seeks 100% exposure to US Large Cap Equities through individual stocks and sector ETFs then overlays the Watts Gwilliam OPTIC (Covered Call Option Overlay) strategy over the individual holdings. Along with the tactical selling of calls, the fund will strategically own different levels of S&P 500 puts, depending on various market conditions. The Fund is available on the Galaxy Plus Hedge platform.


Welton Global was conceived to provide investors with a source of non-correlated returns and long-term capital appreciation by capitalizing on the full range of investment opportunities available in the global futures and FX markets. Global does this by employing a broadly diversified portfolio architecture that spans multiple asset classes, strategy types, holding periods and directionality (i.e., taking either long or short positions). To accomplish its goals Welton Global today trades 24 unique and diverse strategies, each attempting to capture a specific recurrent market phenomena generated by behavioural inefficiencies amongst capital market participants. These inefficiencies include, but are not limited to, under-anticipated price shifts from a variety of recurrent global macroeconomic themes, carry differentials, structural financing premiums within and across markets, and the exploitation of a variety of short- and long-term statistical probabilities, among others. Strategies are then systematically combined through a top-down Multi-Asset Class Correlation and Risk Optimization (MACRO) allocation framework to achieve Global’s clear objectives over the long-term. This system was specifically designed to target maximum diversification to complement Global’s momentum / trend following core, and embeds risk management at multiple layers within the portfolio for a stable portfolio risk profile over time. By maintaining these core design principles, an unwavering focus, and a process of continuous improvement, Welton hopes to ensure that Global will continue to deliver the dual traits of alpha plus portfolio-enhancing diversification that investors value.

Z3 Capital SA - Z3 Futures Multi-Strat

Z3, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, has a trading team with 40+ combined years of systematic trading experience. The team’s experience in algo-trading, futures trading execution, and quantitative trading has helped them build their proprietary trading systems. The Multi-Strat Program is fully systematic and covers multiple time frames through a combination of three existing strategies: trend-following, intraday, and relative value.

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330 S Naperville Rd, Suite 206, Wheaton, IL 60187
+1 (630) 593 3613

This website contains information about managed futures as well as other alternative investment products and has been designed to provide an overview of the various strategies available on the Platform. Users who access information on this site agree that they have experience with futures markets, and other alternative investment products and are knowledgeable about the risks associated with those products.

New Hyde Park Alternative Funds, LLC, is the sponsor of the Galaxy Plus Fund, LLC; Galaxy Plus Hedge Fund, LLC; and GP Digital Assets Trust. Through the associated Platforms, New Hyde Park Alternative Funds, LLC provides access to products available to investors who meet the suitability requirements.

An investment into any fund or product is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. The past performance results of any fund, product, or its trading advisor are not indicative of how they will perform in future.
