by Galaxy Plus | Jul 27, 2023 | CIO's Corner
The first half of 2023 delivered plenty of positive surprises for investors. For starters, while Wall Street analysts were predicting a down year for stocks for the first time in decades, the equity market had one its strongest first halves on record with the S&P...
by Galaxy Plus | Apr 25, 2023 | CIO's Corner
The first quarter of 2023, characterized by bank failures not seen since 2008 and a collapse in bond yields not seen since 1987, brought forth the specter of crisis past, leaving the US Federal Reserve in a quandary as to the path of its monetary policy. Just 2 days...
by Galaxy Plus | Feb 9, 2023 | CIO's Corner
It is likely that few investors will be sad 2022 is over. It was a dismal year for most with very few places to hide: global equities finished the year down over 18% while global fixed income was off over 16%, the sector’s poorest showing in decades. It certainly was...
by Galaxy Plus | Nov 18, 2022 | CIO's Corner
Q3’2022 proved to be a very interesting quarter for the markets. Instead of falling into summer doldrums, the markets stayed very active. Early in the quarter, stocks continued the rally that started in the spring. That rally came to an end with the realization...